EchoTouch offers compact, stylish, and intuitive touchscreen control of lighting in architectural and smaller entertainment spaces. Combining three powerful capabilities into one elegant device
EchoTouch can:
- Act as an interface into a standalone or integrated Unison Echo control system
- Provide status and control of all Echo products
- Schedule real time and astronomical events
- Direct control for DMX/RDM and sACN fixtures and devices
EchoTouch shines in all environments, whether in a commercial building with users who need to choose between preset looks, or in an event space to create and recall predetermined looks.
Because EchoTouch is part of the Echo family it works flawlessly in an Echo control system. All Echo control and power products are compatible: control stations, responsive controls, interfaces – even Room Controllers and Echo Relay Panels. When the Echo control system doesn’t meet the need, integration with DMX and sACN power control and fixture products is also straightforward.
Users can locally program channels, presets, sequences, and events to control their devices, even ones in multiple spaces. Programming is simplified with native RDM for discovery of connected fixtures and customizable palettes. Color control is intuitive and accessible with a color picker and customizable color palettes to let users take full advantage of their system.