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Visual B-Station 2 panel

Wall-mount with backlit push-buttons.

Varenr: 108182
Alt. varenr: B-Station 2
eks. mva.5 765,-
Ta kontakt for leveringstid


Wall-mount button panel
Designed to offer a user-interface to your lighting project, the B-Station2 is a wall-mount panel with 6 push-buttons. The buttons can be configured to send out a multitude of control messages via DMX, UDP, OSC, Art-Net or sACN. The B-Station2 is the ideal device for triggering your lighting scenes stored in a CueCore2 or LPU-2 controller.

The push-buttons are fitted with RGB LED rings. The LEDs can be freely programmed to create an intuitive user experience, for example by indicating which button or lighting scene is active, or representing the real-time colour of the fixture.
Messages from protocols such as DMX, UDP, OSC, Art-Net or sACN can be used to control the feedback to the LED rings.


6 Push Buttons
RGB LED rings
Web-interface for programming
DMX-512 (ANSI E1.11) opto-isolated
RDM (ANSI E1.20)
Art-Net output and input
sACN output and input
UDP output and input
OSC output and input
TCP Input
Compatible with Kiosc
Power over Ethernet (class I)
32 fixtures in stand-alone
6 playbacks/zones in stand-alone
FX Generator